I offer training in the fields of art and different forms of well-being:
In the workplace, courses about how to use art as a medium, for example in health care services. In private settings, various art courses.
I also offer career counselling, work supervision and art therapy services.

In our modern world, we are learning new things all the time to deal with new challenges and old insecurities. Curiosity is a requirement here. To keep learning efficiently, it is important to maintain a curious attitude.
When you are curious, you are more daring, more eager to explore new or foreign territories, to face challenges and to find new solutions. Learning new things enriches life. When actively curious, you also get more out of everyday life, because you are more open to new possibilities. Active curiosity helps you to find out what you really want in life.

We are born curious, but while aiming to achieve, in the hectic pace of life, our curiosity might have taken the back seat. It is easy to get stuck to old habits, even when you know that they don’t work in the best possible way.

Through training, work supervision, career counselling and art therapy, I aim to reawaken your curiosity and help you to find new possibilities in your career or personal situation.

Curiosity is our biggest asset.

Contact me and ask for an offer for my art and well-being services or send a message using the contact form below.